5 Key Ingredients For Acne Prone Skin.
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5 Key Ingredients For Acne Prone Skin.

Acne, either you've struggled with it or you know someone who's struggled with it. Acne is a common skin condition that happens when hair follicles under the skin become clogged. When oil and dead skin cells get trapped within the pores, that's when the breakouts start to occur. Acne can happen anywhere on the body, but are most commonly seen on face, back, chest and shoulders.

There are a few different grades of acne. Knowing which grade you have will be the best way to know what ingredients will help treat it!

Grade I

Mildest form of acne, consisting of open comedones (blackheads) and closed comedones (whiteheads).

Grade II

Consists of many non-inflamed closed comedones.

Grade III

Most common type of acne-mainly inflamed papules and pustules occurring from either hormonal or adult acne.

Grade IV

Cystic acne consisting of large and inflamed painful pustules, nodules and cysts.

Now what we know about the different grades of acne, let's talk about the 5 top ingredients to help treat acne

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a BHA or beta-hydroxy acid. This ingredient softens keratin, which loosens and dissolves dirt and debris that clogs the pores. Salicylic acid exfoliates the skin, helps reduce acne and oil production, minimizes pigmentation, and helps even the skin tone. Salicylic acid is best for treating non-inflammatory blackheads and whiteheads (acne grades I and II). You can find SA in cleansers, masks, spot treatments and exfoliants.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a powerful ingredient that treats and prevents acne by killing bacteria underneath the surface with oxygen. BP is extremely effective both for prevention and as a spot treatment. This ingredient is best for treating inflammatory acne including pustules, papules, cysts and nodules (acne grades III and IV). You can find BP in gels, cleansers, masks, spot treatments and exfoliants.

Clay Masks

Clay masks are a must for acne prone skin and the perfect midweek pick me up. They help draw out impurities and minimize shine by absorbing excess oil and restoring balance. Pro tip-once the clay mask is dry, remove it right away, Leaving clay masks on for an extended time may cause the skin to produce more oil.


Retinol helps to normalize cellular functions in the skin by boosting collagen and elastin. It also helps reduce acne outbreaks by preventing dead cells from clogging pores while reducing acne scarring and pigmentation. Retinol is great for all grades of acne. It is typically recommended to introduce retinol into your skincare routine slowly, as it can cause skin dryness.


SPF is always important. It helps protect the skin from skin cancer and sunburn while minimizing the appearance of hyperpigmentation and photoaging. Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and retinol also make the skin more sensitive to the sun. Wearing and reapplying your sun protection will ensure your skin is fully protected. Choosing a product that is light, oil free and mineral based is best when dealing with acne.

Acne can happen to anyone at any age. Knowing how to treat it and care for your skin when dealing with acne is so important. If you have questions about your skin, come into our Brooklyn studio for a treatment and we can talk about how to treat and improve your acne!

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